Star Nations


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Star Nations is a high vibrational community & social network for Lightworkers, Starseeds, Healers, Lightwarriors and Awakened Beings of Light, who are here to assist the planet and all of its inhabitants to the next stage of its evolution by moving to a higher dimensional existence. A new evolved Earth that we are already co-creating, where we live in alignment with nature and the planet. Where our interactions come from the heart in love and where everything that is created is done so in the highest good for all life on Earth and beyond. Star Nations was designed especially for Light Workers, Light Warriors, Star Seeds, Empaths, Crystal, Indigo and Rainbow Children and Psychics!
The community covers many esoteric, metaphysical and spiritual topics including Energy Healing, Crystals, Extraterrestrials, UFOs, Sacred Geometry, Flower of Life, Chakras, Meditation, Mindfulness, Channeling, OBE, Astral Travel and much more.
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